AUTOMOBILSPORT Tag der Legenden zu Stefan Bellof

Stefan Bellof gilt als eines der größten Rennsporttalente Deutschlands, furchtlos, leidenschaftlich und schnell. Das Nationale Automuseum und der Sportfahrer Verlag erinnern beim „AUTOMOBILSPORT Tag der Legenden“ am 12. Februar 2025 an den vor 40 Jahren tödlich verunglückten Sportwagen-Champion. Dabei blicken im Rahmen eines Podiumtalks Weggefährten und Rennfahrer-Kollegen auf die viel zu kurze Karriere des Fan-Lieblings zurück.

Zu den Gesprächsgästen von Szene-Kenner Eckhard Schimpf zählen unter anderem Goa Bellof, Thierry Boutsen, Harald Grohs, Hans-Joachim Stuck, Norbert Singer und Peter Reinisch.

Experience the full history of the automobile, and the engineering, the design and the diversity behind it all. We present the whole of the automotive world - from unknown prototypes to world-famous classics, from the concept car to everyday vehicles, from sports coupes to ultimate racing cars.

There is a lot to experience. Be excited!

The museum

One of the most comprehensive and diverse collections in Europe, if not the world - the Nationales Automuseum The Loh Collection – displays around 150 unique automobiles from 135 years of automotive history. Vehicles from more than 50 manufacturer brands can be seen, from rare exotics to cultural icons that sold in their millions.

The Nationales Automuseum puts significant automobiles in the context of their respective eras. The museum tells the story of the engineers and designers, the proud owners and the brave racing drivers. The museum tells the story behind the history.

Permanent exhibition

More than 150 exhibits, more than 150 exciting stories. Knowingly told and stylishly presented within creatively historic museum walls. With exacting attention to detail, the Nationales Automuseum presents the history of the automobile, in all its diversity, with the good, the bad and the quirky together. We have defined different subject areas, we show the most beautiful classics and explain the heroic failures, the ideas that caught the public imagination and those that history has forgotten. We have a cinema, an engine gallery, a technical centre and our special exhibitions change regularly to maintain the museum’s freshness. The Nationales Automuseum conveys knowledge, inspires the car enthusiasts and entertains the whole family.

Special exhibition

In addition to the extensive permanent exhibition, seasonally changing special exhibitions focusing on specific themes are also an integral part of the Nationales Automuseum. The “100 Years of the 24 Hours of Le Mans – the Myth, the Heroes, the Cars” exhibition kicked things off in 2023/2024. In the subsequent exhibition “Ferrari – Masterpieces for the racetrack and road”, the museum displays a globally unique compilation of high-class Ferrari vehicles. The valuable exhibits, including some unique pieces, range from the Mille Miglia Barchetta from the early 1950s to the most successful racing Ferrari of all, the F1-2004 from Michael Schumacher, to the most recent hypercar LaFerrari from 2013.

Experience our Ferrari collection

Movie theatre

The "Capitol" in Art Deco style offers comfortable space for around 50 people. With stylish, classic seating and an original projector, we have integrated it into the old industrial hall.

Nationales Automuseum wins FIA Founding Members’ Club Heritage Cup

A good four months after opening, we were delighted to be awarded the FIA Founding Members’ Club Heritage Cup by the World Automobile Association. The FIA Heritage Cup is considered the highest international award that a museum can receive within the classic automotive scene. The award was presented on 8 December 2023 at the FIA’s Grand Gala in Baku, Azerbaijan, where Max Verstappen also received his Formula 1 World Championship trophy. With this award, the FIA recognises the efforts of dedicated organisations, events and individuals to promote and preserve automotive history. We were nominated for the award by the Automobile Club of Germany (AvD). Check out their application video: